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Raymond Castillo

Rocscience Phase 2: How to Get the Full Version for Free

Rocscience Phase 2: A Powerful Software for Geotechnical Engineering

Geotechnical engineering is the branch of civil engineering that deals with the behavior of earth materials and their applications to various engineering problems. It involves the analysis, design, and construction of foundations, slopes, retaining structures, tunnels, dams, landfills, and other systems that are made of or supported by soil or rock. Geotechnical engineering requires the use of advanced software tools that can model complex geotechnical scenarios and provide accurate and reliable solutions.

Rocscience Phase 2 Crack Download


One of the most popular and widely used software tools for geotechnical engineering is Rocscience Phase 2. In this article, we will introduce you to Rocscience Phase 2, its features and benefits, its applications and examples, how to download and install it, how to use it, and some frequently asked questions. By the end of this article, you will have a comprehensive understanding of Rocscience Phase 2 and how it can help you with your geotechnical engineering projects.

What is Rocscience Phase 2?

Rocscience Phase 2 is a two-dimensional finite element program for calculating stresses and estimating support around underground excavations. It is developed by Rocscience Inc., a Canadian company that specializes in software solutions for geotechnical engineering. Rocscience Phase 2 is part of the RS suite of software products that cover various aspects of geotechnical analysis and design.

Features and benefits of Rocscience Phase 2

Rocscience Phase 2 has many features and benefits that make it a powerful and versatile software for geotechnical engineering. Some of them are:

  • It can handle both plane strain and axisymmetric problems.

  • It can model different types of materials, such as soil, rock, concrete, steel, etc., with various constitutive models, such as linear elastic, Mohr-Coulomb, Hoek-Brown, Cam-Clay, etc.

  • It can simulate different types of loading conditions, such as gravity, water pressure, in-situ stress, surface loads, etc.

  • It can incorporate different types of support elements, such as bolts, liners, shotcrete, anchors, etc., with various properties and behaviors.

  • It can account for different types of failure mechanisms, such as plasticity, joint slip, cracking, etc.

  • It can perform different types of analysis, such as static, dynamic, thermal, groundwater seepage, consolidation, etc.

  • It has a user-friendly interface that allows easy data input and output.

  • It has a powerful graphics engine that allows realistic visualization of models and results.

  • It has a comprehensive help system that provides detailed information on all the options and features.

  • It has a verification manual that provides examples of validation against analytical solutions or experimental data.

Applications and examples of Rocscience Phase 2

Rocscience Phase 2 can be applied to a wide range of geotechnical engineering problems involving underground excavations. Some of the applications and examples are:

  • Mining: It can be used to design underground mines, such as shafts, tunnels, stopes, pillars, etc., and to evaluate their stability and safety under various loading conditions.

  • Tunneling: It can be used to design tunnels for transportation, water supply, sewage disposal, etc., and to estimate their support requirements and deformation behavior.

  • Dams: It can be used to analyze the stress distribution and seepage flow around dams and reservoirs.

  • Foundations: It can be used to analyze the bearing capacity and settlement of foundations, such as piles, footings, rafts, etc., and to optimize their design.

  • Slope stability: It can be used to assess the stability of natural or artificial slopes, such as embankments, cuttings, landslides, etc., and to design appropriate stabilization measures.

  • Geothermal energy: It can be used to model the heat transfer and fluid flow in geothermal reservoirs and wells.

  • Environmental engineering: It can be used to evaluate the contaminant transport and remediation in soil and groundwater systems.

Here is a table that summarizes some of the applications and examples of Rocscience Phase 2:




Design of a circular shaft with liner and bolts


Analysis of a horseshoe-shaped tunnel with shotcrete and rock bolts


Seepage analysis of an earth dam with a clay core


Bearing capacity analysis of a strip footing on clay

Slope stability

Stability analysis of a slope with a tension crack and anchors

Geothermal energy

Thermal analysis of a geothermal well with casing and grout

Environmental engineering

Contaminant transport analysis of a landfill with a liner and a leachate collection system

How to download and install Rocscience Phase 2?

If you are interested in using Rocscience Phase 2 for your geotechnical engineering projects, you will need to download and install it on your computer. Here are the steps to do so:

System requirements and compatibility

Before you download and install Rocscience Phase 2, you should check if your computer meets the minimum system requirements and is compatible with the software. According to the official website of Rocscience, the minimum system requirements for Rocscience Phase 2 are:

  • Operating system: Windows 7 or later (64-bit)

  • Processor: Intel Core i5 or equivalent

  • Memory: 8 GB RAM or more

  • Disk space: 500 MB or more

  • Graphics card: OpenGL 3.3 compatible with 1 GB VRAM or more

  • Internet connection: Required for activation and updates

  • Screen resolution: 1024 x 768 or higher

Rocscience Phase 2 is compatible with most of the common geotechnical software tools, such as AutoCAD, Excel, Slide, RS2, RS3, Settle3D, etc. You can import and export data between these tools and Rocscience Phase 2 easily.

Download links and instructions

To download Rocscience Phase 2, you will need to visit the official website of Rocscience and create an account. You will also need to provide some information about yourself and your organization. After you register, you will receive an email with a link to download the software. You can also access the download link from your account page on the website.

The download file is a ZIP archive that contains the setup file and some other files. You will need to extract the ZIP archive to a folder on your computer. Then, you will need to run the setup file as an administrator. The setup wizard will guide you through the installation process. You will need to accept the license agreement, choose the destination folder, select the components to install, and create shortcuts. The installation process may take a few minutes depending on your computer speed.

Crack and activation methods

Rocscience Phase 2 is a commercial software that requires a license to use. There are two types of licenses available: standalone and network. A standalone license allows you to use the software on one computer only. A network license allows you to use the software on multiple computers connected to a server. You can purchase a license from the official website of Rocscience or from an authorized reseller in your region.

To activate your license, you will need to run the License Manager tool that is installed with the software. You will need to enter your license code or select your license server. You will also need to activate your dongle if you have one. A dongle is a USB device that contains your license information and allows you to use the software without an internet connection. You can activate your dongle by following the instructions on the website or in the user manual.

Alternatively, you may try to crack and activate Rocscience Phase 2 without purchasing a license. However, this is not recommended as it may violate the terms and conditions of the software and expose you to legal risks. Moreover, cracking and activating Rocscience Phase 2 may be difficult and risky as it may involve downloading and installing malicious files, modifying system files, or bypassing security measures. You may also encounter errors, bugs, or viruses that may compromise the performance and reliability of the software and your computer.

Therefore, it is advisable to use Rocscience Phase 2 legally and ethically by purchasing a license from the official website or an authorized reseller. This way, you can enjoy the full features and benefits of the software without any hassle or risk.

How to use Rocscience Phase 2?

After you download and install Rocscience Phase 2, you can start using it for your geotechnical engineering projects. Here are some basic steps to use Rocscience Phase 2:

User interface and tools

When you launch Rocscience Phase 2, you will see the main window that consists of several components, such as the menu bar, the toolbar, the project explorer, the data input area, the graphics area, and the status bar. You can use these components to access various functions and tools of the software.

The menu bar contains several menus that provide options for file management, data input, analysis, output, help, etc. The toolbar contains several buttons that provide shortcuts for some of the menu options. The project explorer shows the structure of your project and allows you to navigate between different items, such as models, materials, supports, loads, etc. The data input area allows you to enter or edit data for your models, such as geometry, properties, boundary conditions, etc. The graphics area shows a graphical representation of your models and results. You can zoom, pan, rotate, or select objects in the graphics area using your mouse or keyboard. The status bar shows some information about your project, such as the current model name, the number of elements and nodes, the analysis status, etc.

Creating and analyzing models

To create a model in Rocscience Phase 2, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Select File > New from the menu bar or click on the New button on the toolbar to create a new project.

  • Enter a name for your project and choose a folder to save it.

  • Select a problem type (plane strain or axisymmetric) and a unit system (metric or imperial).

  • Define the geometry of your model by drawing lines or arcs in the graphics area or by entering coordinates in the data input area. You can also import geometry from other software tools or files.

  • Define the material properties of your model by selecting from a list of predefined materials or by creating your own materials. You can also assign different constitutive models to different materials.

  • Define the support elements of your model by selecting from a list of predefined supports or by creating your own supports. You can also assign different properties and behaviors to different supports.

  • Define the loading conditions of your model by applying gravity, water pressure, in-situ stress, surface loads, etc. You can also apply dynamic or thermal loads if you want to perform dynamic or thermal analysis.

  • Define the mesh parameters of your model by choosing the element type, size, refinement, etc. You can also generate or edit the mesh manually or automatically.

  • Select the analysis type and options from the menu bar or the toolbar. You can choose between static, dynamic, thermal, groundwater seepage, consolidation, etc. You can also adjust the analysis settings, such as convergence criteria, time steps, output frequency, etc.

  • Run the analysis by clicking on the Run button on the toolbar or selecting Analysis > Run from the menu bar. You can monitor the progress and status of the analysis in the status bar or in a separate window.

  • Save your project by clicking on the Save button on the toolbar or selecting File > Save from the menu bar.

Interpreting and presenting results

After you run the analysis, you can interpret and present the results in Rocscience Phase 2. Here are some ways to do so:

  • You can view the results in the graphics area by selecting different output options from the menu bar or the toolbar. You can choose to display contours, vectors, plots, animations, etc. of different variables, such as displacement, stress, strain, factor of safety, pore pressure, temperature, etc.

  • You can export the results to other software tools or files by selecting File > Export from the menu bar. You can choose to export the geometry, mesh, material properties, support properties, loading conditions, results, etc. in various formats, such as DXF, CSV, TXT, JPG, AVI, etc.

  • You can print or plot the results by selecting File > Print from the menu bar. You can choose to print or plot the graphics area or a specific window. You can also adjust the print or plot settings, such as scale, orientation, quality, etc.

  • You can generate a report of your project by selecting File > Report from the menu bar. You can choose to include or exclude different items in your report, such as project information, data input summary, analysis summary, results summary, graphics output, etc. You can also customize the report layout and appearance.


Rocscience Phase 2 is a powerful software for geotechnical engineering that allows you to calculate stresses and estimate support around underground excavations. It has many features and benefits that make it a versatile and reliable tool for various geotechnical engineering problems. It is easy to download and install on your computer and has a user-friendly interface that helps you create and analyze models efficiently. It also provides realistic visualization and comprehensive output of your models and results.

If you are looking for a software that can help you with your geotechnical engineering projects involving underground excavations, you should consider using Rocscience Phase 2. It is a proven and trusted software that has been used by thousands of engineers and researchers around the world. You can download a free trial version from the official website of Rocscience and see for yourself how Rocscience Phase 2 can help you with your geotechnical engineering projects.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Rocscience Phase 2:

Q: How much does Rocscience Phase 2 cost?

A: The price of Rocscience Phase 2 depends on the type and duration of the license you choose. You can check the current pricing and discounts on the official website of Rocscience or contact them for a quote.

Q: How can I get technical support for Rocscience Phase 2?

A: You can get technical support for Rocscience Phase 2 by contacting the Rocscience support team via email, phone, or online chat. You can also access the online help system, user manual, verification manual, tutorials, webinars, forums, and knowledge base on the official website of Rocscience.

Q: How can I learn more about Rocscience Phase 2?

A: You can learn more about Rocscience Phase 2 by visiting the official website of Rocscience, where you can find more information, resources, and examples of Rocscience Phase 2. You can also sign up for a free online training course or a live webinar on Rocscience Phase 2.

Q: What are the alternatives to Rocscience Phase 2?

A: There are some other software tools that can perform similar functions as Rocscience Phase 2, such as Plaxis, Abaqus, Ansys, Flac, etc. However, each software has its own advantages and disadvantages, and you should compare them carefully before choosing one for your geotechnical engineering projects.

Q: How can I update Rocscience Phase 2?

A: You can update Rocscience Phase 2 by downloading and installing the latest version from the official website of Rocscience. You will need to have an active license and an internet connection to update Rocscience Phase 2. You can also check for updates from within the software by selecting Help > Check for Updates from the menu bar. dcd2dc6462


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